Friday, February 7, 2014


                                                                                    GIVE YOUR SOUL A BREAK

                                                            Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him…..PSALM 62:5NIV



When you take a vacation, do you give your soul a break, just as you give your body some rest, recreation and refreshment?  Your soul is comprised of your mind, will, and emotions, and it is a very

Important part of your entire being.  You are a spiritual being, and you live in a physical body.  But if you don’t understand your soul’s needs, you will not be a whole, healthy individual.


When we are weary, exhausted in strength, endurance, and vigor, we need help.  We need to be refreshed not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  Being weary is not something to be

Ashamed of; it’s simply a sign that we need a break.


You can take a vacation thinking you need a physical rest, but if you don’t let your soul rest at the same time, you will return home just as exhausted as you were when you left.  Lying on the beach worrying

does not equal a day of vacation.  If you take a day off and spend it trying to deal with personal problems, traffic, high prices, and rude people – you’d have been better off at work!


Learning to let our souls rest is vitally important.  Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 that if we are over burdened, weary, and worn out, we should spend time with Him and see how He handled life.  He promises to

give us rest.  The Amplified Bible’s translation of these verses indicates that the type of rest He is talking about is recreation, refreshment, and blessed quiet for our souls.  Jesus is really offering us a vacation for

our souls, our inner lives.


            Love Yourself Today: Permit your entire being to take a vacation.  Get plenty of rest physically.  Rest your mind, quiet your emotions, and let your will be in total agreement with God’s.



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