Friday, November 16, 2012

Let God



Let God

Ephesians 4:26-27….when angry, do not sin

Everyone has anger from time to time, and understanding it and knowing how to handle it properly is important.


Anger begins as a feeling and then manifests itself in words and actions. You feel something, and it causes you to do or say something. Anger is not necessarily always sin – however, what you choose to do with anger directly determines your quality of life.


All anger has the same effect on your life. It upsets you, causing you to feel pressure. Keeping anger locked inside can even be dangerous to your health. Therefore, you must take responsibility for your anger and learn to deal with it.

If you struggle with anger, ask God to help you process it and bring it to closure. You can be bitter or better – the choice is yours!



Discover the Cure for the Insecure

Ephesians 3:17

The world is full of insecure people. In fact, an article I once read described insecurity as a psychological disturbance of epidemic proportions. So is there a cure for the insecure?


The answer is yes. The Word of God says that you can be secure through Jesus Christ. As a believer, you will find our Lord Jesus Christ is the only lasting cure for insecurity. He took all of your insecurities upon himself at Calvary. His death and resurrection purchased your freedom from the pain and behavior patterns produced by a lifetime of insecurity.


All the areas of your life that are out of order can be reconciled through Jesus and the work He accomplished on the cross. Start believing it – and remember: "The Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).



Receive the Goodness of God

James 1:17

There was a time when I believed God was good – but I was not sure He would be good to me. I was afraid I hadn't been good enough to receive His goodness. Nevertheless, He taught me that our inability to do everything right does not cancel out His goodness. Thankfully, receiving God's goodness is based on His righteousness, not ours.


I now keep a journal to list all the good things God does for me. This gives me a greater appreciation for His provisions and confirms His constant flow of blessing in my life.


God is good, and His goodness radiates from Him like heat radiates from the sun. And those rays of goodness reach out to you every day. Make a list of all His blessings and you will have no doubt about the good and perfect gifts that come from Him.




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