Monday, November 26, 2012

Enjoy Life Like a Child

Enjoy Life Like a Child

Matthew 18:3

As a believer, you can have the abundant quality of life that comes from God. He is not impatient or in a hurry. He takes time to enjoy His creation, the works of His hands. Moreover, He wants you to do the same.

Joy is available to you if you know how to tap into it. I have learned that simplicity brings joy and complication blocks it. Instead of getting entangled with the complication of religion, you must return to the simplicity of believing and maintaining a Father /child relationship.


God wants you to approach life with childlike faith. He wants you to grow up in your behavior but remain childlike in your attitude of trust and dependence on Him.


Living our life with simplicity of a child will change your whole outlook in a most amazing way.









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