Thursday, March 15, 2012


These Perilous Times

Timothy 3:1-2 in the last days will come perilous times

Just as Paul predicted long ago, these are perilous times. There has now arisen a new generation of people, many of whom have not been taught anything about God in school, nor have they been taught to pray at home. They have seen some sad examples of spiritual leaders who have publicly fallen, and having no solid foundation, it is easy for them to conclude that “religion” is a bunch of junk.

As a Believer, you must strive to be different from the world. Be a good example. Walk in love, being honorable in all your conduct. People are watching you. Show them that Christ lives in you.

Why Worry

Psalms 37:8 …fret not yourself

Anxiety and worry are both attacks on the mind intended to keep you from serving the Lord. The enemy uses these weapons to press your faith down so you cannot live in victory. Many people are worriers but do not even realize it. They may call it something else - but it is still worry. In addition to telling you to “fret not”, other passages warn you to “take no thought” (Matthew ), “be careful for nothing” (Philippians 4:6), and “cast ….all your care” (1 Peter).

Matthew says, “And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add on unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life?” The obvious point is that worry is useless. It does not accomplish any good thing. In that case, why worry and why be so anxious?

Praying His Will

John …...whatever you ask in My Name

Some Christians read this passage and take its meaning out of context. What a statement! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this gave, you license to have anything and everything you want? But the name of Jesus is not simply a “magic work” to tack on at the end of your wish list.

You must realize that all effective prayer involves praying the will of God, not the will of man. There are many things in the Word that clearly reveals God’s will, and these you may certainly ask for boldly without any hesitation or concern about whether you should have them. Yet there are many other times you should pray that His perfect will be done and not your own.

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