Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fwd: Word For The Day - June 25, 2013

> June 25, 2013
> Thriving or Surviving?
> Read: Proverbs 11:28-31
> Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf. - Proverbs 11:28
> I DECLARE I will not just survive, I will
> thrive! I will prosper despite every
> difficulty that may come my way. I
> know every setback is a setup for a
> comeback. I will not get stagnant, give
> up on my dreams, or settle where I am.
> I know one touch of God's favor can
> change everything. I'm ready for a
> year of blessings and a year of thriving.
> This is my declaration.
> Some people lock into a survival mentality instead of a thriving mentality. They watch so many troubling news reports they decide: "It's so bad. How will I ever make it?" Just like you can be talked into surviving, I want to talk you into thriving. We need to use wisdom with what God has given us. I don't believe we're suppose to pull back to where we're not pursuing our dreams anymore so that we don't expect increase or favor. I don't think we should just be holding on, or trying to maintain. That is survival mentality.
> Remember this: as God took the five loaves and the two fish and multiplied it to feed thousands of people, He can multiply what you have. He can multiply your time and help you to get more done. He can multiply your wisdom and help you make better decisions. God is in complete control. When times get tough don't hunker down and think, Oh, it's so bad. If I can just hold on and make it through another year.
> No, dig your heels in and say, "I'm not just surviving, I am thriving. I'll prosper despite this difficulty." A young lady struggled in her marriage for a long time. She had done her best to keep it together, but it just didn't work out. She said, "Well at least I survived." She was happy just to make it through, but I could tell the wind had been taken our of her sails. She was a beautiful woman, but she had lost her fire. She'd lost the sparkle in your eyes. She had lost who God intended her to be.
> I told her: You made it through but you can't keep that survival mentality. God has new seasons in front of you. He has new doors He wants to open. He wants the next part of your life to be better than the first part. A survival mentality will keep you from God's best. Shake it off and say, "God, You promised what was meant for my harm You would use it to my advantage.
> I may have been through the fire, through the loss of loved ones, through the abuse u(mental, physical or emotional), through the downsizing, through health challenges, through pain inflicted by my own doing, but I know this is my time for favor. It's my time to see more of Your goodness in my life." Keep your faith out there. Expect God to increase you in a greater way. Expect this to be the best year so far! Remember, expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles!!

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