Friday, October 28, 2011

Seek God First

Seek God First


Romans 14:17-18

Forget all the things you think you need, and just admit to God that you need Him. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all that you need will be added to your life (see Matthew 6:33).


God knows your needs even before you ask. Don’t become a seeker of promotion or position. Don’t spend your life seeking prosperity. Seek the One who prospers. Seek the One who heals. Seek the One who is the giver of every good and perfect gift.


Remain Steadfast




Spending time with God keeps you stable, steadfast, and calm. God says He “will strengthen and harden you to difficulties” (Isaiah 41:10). When your faith is fed daily by God’s presence, the devil can’t control you, because you don’t get easily upset.


Being filled with God’s truth makes it easier to live the life God has for you. Let God be your anchor in the midst of the raging waves of circumstances. Remain steadfast in God.


Don’t Be Entangled


Ephesians 6:11

We are called to be soldiers in the army of the Lord. Likewise, as we serve the Lord, we should focus on His work, not our own concerns.


If we want to be a witness of God’s power, we must first do what He says to do, and show others the fruit that comes from serving Him. We do this by keeping our minds constantly on Jesus Christ. We must still handle the business of everyday life, but we are not to let the affairs of the world pull us down.


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