Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Upsizing Trust


Upsizing Trust


Read:  Luke 12:27-31

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.  - Isaiah 26:3


Audio:  Luke 12


Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 27-29; Luke 13:1-22


“I am excited to see what God has planned.” I heard these words from a co-worker who lost a full-time job and benefits due to company downsizing. Someone who was unsure of where she would be working the next day was at peace - calm and secure in God’s care.


Within a short time my irritation and anxiety with the cutbacks began to evaporate in the warmth of the trust in God that radiated from this co-worker. From her calm assurance in God’s care for her family, serenity drifted to every corner of the once-unsettled office. I continue to grow from my co-worker’s example by exchanging my thoughts of worry for belief.


I trust in God to care for me and my family today and in the future. God delivers peace into the dull routine as well as the most frustrating circumstances. As I have learned from this experience, a struggling economy and even downsizing - does not define my relationship with God.


Even in the midst of unsettling situations, trusting in God brings perfect peace.



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