Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!




You Can Have a New Beginning

Isaiah 43:18-19

God created us to need new beginnings, places where we can release our Faith and say, “This is a place of new beginnings for me, a place to have a fresh start.” The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.

You can experience the abundant life Jesus says you can have, but it requires making a decision to let go of the past. Unless you refuse to go on the way you have been, no change will come. God wants to change things for you, but He is waiting for your total cooperation.


Seldom do your circumstances change without something first changing in you. So if you want to experience God’s “new thing” this year, release your faith right now and say, “This is a place of new beginnings for me.” Then watch for the results.



Seek to Know God Better

Philippians 3:10

This was the cry of the Apostle Paul’s heart as he sought to have such a deep relationship with Christ that the trials of life would barely be noticeable. At the beginning of this New Year, it is a wise thing for you to seek also. There are plenty of problems in life that can weigh you down and cause you to become discouraged, but God wants to provide the strength and power you need to be victorious in every battle of life.


Such a relationship requires that you seek God like never before. So start the year right by becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with the One who has all power in heaven and earth.



Trust in the Power of Hope

Proverbs 12:12

I define hope as “the happy anticipation of good things”. You can hope for something good to happen to you by learning how to celebrate and enjoy life.


Everything in life is a process in motion. Without movement and progression, there is no life. As long as you live you are always heading somewhere, and you should enjoy yourself on the way. God created you to be a goal-oriented visionary. Without a vision, you become bored and hopeless.


But there is something about hope that makes people lighthearted and happy. Hope is a powerful spiritual force that is activated through your positive attitude. God is positive and He wants positive things to happen to you, but that will not happen unless you have hope and faith. Expect God to bring good out of every circumstance in your life. Whatever happens, trust in the Lord…, and trust in the power of hope!


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