Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Choose to Please God

Choose to Please God

Galatians 1:10

The apostle Paul said that in his ministry he had to choose between pleasing men and pleasing God. That is a choice you also must make. If your goal is to build a name for yourself and win favor with people, it will cause you to live in fear of man rather than in fear of God. For years, I tried to build my own reputation among believers by striving to win the favor of men.


But through bitter experience I learned I was submitting to sort of slavery to people. God helped me realize I could only be truly free in Him.


If you are trying to build your reputation with people, it is time to give up all your own human efforts and simply trust God. He will give you supernatural favor with the people that is right for you.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God

1 Thessalonians 5:22-24

These are God’s instructions to you for finding peace and joy: Stay away from wrong behavior and allow the Lord of peace to sanctify you, preserve you, complete you, hallow you, and keep you. These verses are your call from God to a certain kind of Holy living. They are also your assurance that it is not you who brings about this holy life but God Himself, who can be trusted utterly to do the work in you and for you.


What then is your part? What is the work that you are to do? What does God require of you? Your part is to believe and to trust the Lord. So let go and let God!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

We Shall All Be Changed!

We Shall All Be Changed!

1 Corinthians 15:51-52

We all like "suddenlies", and God promises that whatever remains to be accomplished in us will be done "suddenly" when Jesus returns to the earth. Until then, we can confidently trust He is working in us through His word and Spirit on a regular basis. If you are spending time in God's word and believing he is doing work in you, then you are changing from on degree of glory to another.


You do not have to be discouraged about your spiritual growth or in your walk with God, because no matter what remains to be done in the transformation of your old man into your new man, it will be finished at the appearing of Jesus in the heavenlies. If the devil tries to tell you, you are going to stay the way you are forever, he is lying. God promises in His word that He has begun a good work in you and He also will finish it (see Philippians 1:6)


Retire from Self- Care

Retire from Self- Care

Acts 16:31

God wants to take care of you, and He can do a much better job of it if you will avoid a problem called independence, which is really self-care.

The desire to take care of yourself is based on fear. You are afraid of what might happen if you entrust yourself totally to God and He does not come through for you. The root problem of independence is you trust yourself more than you trust God.


People love to have a back-up plan. You may ask God to get involved in your life, but if He does not respond as quickly as you would like, you take control back into your own hands.


But God has a plan for you and His plan is much better than yours. So give yourself to Him and see what happens. I promise you will not be disappointed.



Stand Strong Against the Adversary

1 Corinthians 16:9

It is true that whenever you do anything for God, the adversary will oppose you. But you must remember that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (see 1 John 4:4).


You should not have to spend your life struggling against the devil in order to serve God. Instead of wearing yourself out trying to fight spiritual enemies, you should learn to stand strong in the authority given to you by Jesus.


The best way to overcome the devil and his demons is simply to stay in God's will by obeying His Word and God will work things out according to His divine plan and purpose.



Depend on the spirit

John 6:63

If you are to fulfill God's will for you in this life, the flesh – the selfish, rebellious sin nature – must die. It must lose its power.


Often you are not fully aware of sinful thoughts, actions, and attitudes in your heart because you are so caught up in the outer life. These things must be faced and dealt with if you are to enjoy the good life God has planned for you. Paul said he wanted to do good things, but found himself always doing wrong things. He wanted to be free, and after much struggling, realized that only God could set him free and that through Jesus Christ He would. (See Romans 7).


As you face seasons of testing you must learn that your flesh benefits you nothing. Only then, can you deny the flesh and depend on the Life-giver to build His character in you.


Stay in balance

Sent from my Windows® phone

From: Johnson, Robin <Robin_Johnson@rge.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:19 AM






Stay in Balance

Philippians 4:11

Stability is maturity. To grow up in God is to come to the place where you can be content no matter what your situation or circumstances may be because you are rooted and grounded, not in things, but in the Lord. Paul was emotionally and spiritually mature because he knew whatever state he was in would pass. He had learned the secret of facing every situation of life, whether good or bad.


God wants to bless you and use you as a vessel through which His Holy Spirit can work. But in order for that to happen, you must learn how to handle both the good times and the bad. That is why it is so important to remember that whatever comes your way. "This too shall pass." The good times and the bad never last forever, but through Christ, we can handle either with joy and stability.




Sent from my Windows® phone.

From: Cheryl Ellis <cheryle@bagsunlimited.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 9:26 AM
To: 'Frances N Johnson' <francesnjohnson@yahoo.com>; 'Patricia Jackson' <pjackson@swanonline.org>; 'Praiseteam7@juno.com' <praiseteam7@juno.com>; 'laura Mac' <chickflix29@hotmail.com>; 'Morgan, Jacqueline' <Jacqueline.Morgan@RCSDK12.ORG>; 'Betsy Roque' <Broque@cfcrochester.org>; 'Leisajumper@yahoo.com' <Leisajumper@yahoo.com>; Arlene Wilson <AWilson@diabetes.org>

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stay in Balance

Stay in Balance

Philippians 4:11

Stability is maturity. To grow up in God is to come to the place where you can be content no matter what your situation or circumstances may be because you are rooted and grounded, not in things, but in the Lord. Paul was emotionally and spiritually mature because he knew whatever state he was in would pass. He had learned the secret of facing every situation of life, whether good or bad.


God wants to bless you and use you as a vessel through which His Holy Spirit can work. But in order for that to happen, you must learn how to handle both the good times and the bad. That is why it is so important to remember that whatever comes your way. "This too shall pass." The good times and the bad never last forever, but through Christ, we can handle either with joy and stability.



Allow God to Change You

Allow God to Change You

Mark 14:3

So often people are afraid of brokenness. But if your outer man is broken, the powerful things inside you can't pour forth. The perfume of the Holy Spirit is within you, but the alabaster box, which represents the flesh, has to be broken for that sweet fragrance to be released. The flesh is naturally prideful and stubborn.


To fully release the power of the Holy Spirit within you, you must allow God to do with you as He wills, knowing that everything in life changes.


If you are to have stability in your life, you must remember life is a continual process in which everything – including you – is constantly changing. You must hope in God, the only one who "is the same yesterday, today, and forever".


You’re Just Passing Through

You're Just Passing Through

Psalm 23:4

The psalmist David said he walked through the valley of the shadow of death. That is what you must do in all the situations and circumstances of this life. You must remember you are just passing through. When you feel as if you are stuck in a situation that will never change, you must allow God to guide you through it. When the devil says, "You're trapped," boldly say to him, "Wrong! I'm just passing through!"


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast into the fiery furnace, but God brought them safely through the fire (See Daniel 3). God's Words says He will provide that same protection and deliverance to all who put their faith and trust in Him. So believe it as you walk through the valley of your own situation.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Sent from my Windows® phone.

From: Johnson, Robin <Robin_Johnson@rge.com>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 8:18 AM

Have a great weekend




Be Confident in Christ

Philippians 4:13

You were created by a great God to do great things. But without confidence, you will never fulfill your destiny. It is important, however, to remember you are to be confident not in yourself but in Christ who dwells in you. Satan tries to steal your confidence, but you must resist him at all times. If he has tormented you with fears about your worth and abilities, boldly remind him God is with you and you are equal to anything.


It is encouraging to know God is able even when you are not. He has His eye on you and is waiting for you to show confidence in Him. Faith opens the door for God's greatness to be seen through your life, so trust Him, and enjoy the peace and power of a confident life.



Dwell in Peace

Psalm 34:14

In our strife-torn world, do you ever long for a few peaceful moments? That is what God wants for you. He instructs you in His Word to live in unity and harmony and to pursue peace. Why then is it so difficult to get through a day without being invaded by the spirit of strife? Satan works through the weaknesses in your flesh to keep the atmosphere in your life and the attitudes of your heart in continual turmoil. He seeks to draw you away from peace and into strife, which brings devastation and destruction.


But God's power is greater than the devil's and when you come against strife in the name of Jesus you render it powerless to rob you of the peace and joy that is your divine inheritance. Take a few moments in the quiet of the evening to enjoy the wonderful peace and presence of God, and you will enjoy a good night's sleep.



Let God Be Good to You

Isaiah 30:18

Isn't this a wonderful verse? It tells you God is waiting to be good to you. He is actually looking and longing for an opportunity to show His goodness. He is a God of justice.


Are you available? Do not fall into Satan's trap of being negative. Do not believe it when he tells you your past is not past and your future is bleak. Choose to believe God and get ready to receive the wonderful gifts He is waiting to give to you. Go to sleep meditating on this thought: Something good is going to happen to me!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let God Restore Your Soul

Let God Restore Your Soul

Psalm 23:1, 3

This psalm is a great comfort and encouragement. Your Shepherd refreshes and restores your life, or as the King James Version says, your soul. The word restore means, “to return to a former condition”, to refresh.


In this psalm David is telling you God will return you to the state you were in before you erred from following the good plan He had predestined for you before your birth, God’s plan for you is not failure, misery, poverty, sickness, or disease. His plan is for you to have a wonderful life full of health, happiness, and fulfillment.


So do not let the devil steal it away from you. The evening is a great time to quietly wait in the presence of the Lord and allow Him to refresh and restore your soul.


God Has Not Forgotten You


God Has Not Forgotten You

1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

The world is full of people struggling with trials and temptations and looking for a way out. If you have ever felt pressed on every side and could not find and escape, or confused and did not know what to do, you know what a desperate and lonely feeling that can be. The Word tells you God is faithful and He will provide a way for you, but He does not always show us the way immediately. That is when you must wait….and trust.


Waiting on God purifies your faith and builds character in you. You may not like waiting, but God’s way is perfect! So be assured God has not forgotten you. Trust Him, and in His time, He will reveal His perfect plan for you. While you are waiting, don’t forget to enjoy your life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Be Confident in Christ...Dwell in Peace...Let God Be Good to You


Be Confident in Christ

Philippians 4:13

You were created by a great God to do great things. But without confidence, you will never fulfill your destiny. It is important, however, to remember you are to be confident not in yourself but in Christ who dwells in you. Satan tries to steal your confidence, but you must resist him at all times. If he has tormented you with fears about your worth and abilities, boldly remind him God is with you and you are equal to anything.


It is encouraging to know God is able even when you are not. He has His eye on you and is waiting for you to show confidence in Him. Faith opens the door for God’s greatness to be seen through your life, so trust Him, and enjoy the peace and power of a confident life.



Dwell in Peace

Psalm 34:14

In our strife-torn world, do you ever long for a few peaceful moments? That is what God wants for you. He instructs you in His Word to live in unity and harmony and to pursue peace. Why then is it so difficult to get through a day without being invaded by the spirit of strife? Satan works through the weaknesses in your flesh to keep the atmosphere in your life and the attitudes of your heart in continual turmoil. He seeks to draw you away from peace and into strife, which brings devastation and destruction.


But God’s power is greater than the devil’s and when you come against strife in the name of Jesus you render it powerless to rob you of the peace and joy that is your divine inheritance. Take a few moments in the quiet of the evening to enjoy the wonderful peace and presence of God, and you will enjoy a good night’s sleep.



Let God Be Good to You

Isaiah 30:18

Isn’t this a wonderful verse? It tells you God is waiting to be good to you. He is actually looking and longing for an opportunity to show His goodness. He is a God of justice.


Are you available? Do not fall into Satan’s trap of being negative. Do not believe it when he tells you your past is not past and your future is bleak. Choose to believe God and get ready to receive the wonderful gifts He is waiting to give to you. Go to sleep meditating on this thought: Something good is going to happen to me!

Learn to Love


Learn to Love

John 13:34

How much do you know about real love…..God’s kind of love?

Everybody knows love is always spoken of in connection with Christianity. There are lots of sermons on love; it is a pretty plain and simple subject. Everybody talks about love. But where are all the people who love?


God’s kind of love is unconditional and always available. He extends His love toward you and He wants you to receive it and be blessed. Then He wants you to give it away to others. What the world needs now is love – real love. I have discovered that lonely and hurting people often do not expect you to meet their needs… they simply want to be loved and understood.


If you are in need of real love, receive it from God right now. Then let it flow through you to bless others.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012




Almighty Father creator of Heaven and earth and everything in between,
We humbly come before you with thanks-giving in our hearts, asking for
your never ending mercy
We lift your name on high, above any name that has ever existed, our
father and creator, we ask you to bless, protect and to pour your
supernatural favor upon us, our children, spouses and friends.
God Jehovah we ask you today for divine intervention in our lives, we
ask for your touch in all areas of our lives. be it a new job,
promotion, freedom from debt. rebuilding of our relationships with our
spouses and friends. Father any situation you touch, we believe it can
never remain the same.
Father in heaven, let your will be done in our lives as your decision in
our lives is the best and will always be the best, please send double
portion anointing and blessings in the quickest time to the person who
will forward this.. as your name is be
ing worshiped and glorified by
In the name of your only son, our personal savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN!!!

God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in
your favor. If you believe, send it. If you don't believe, delete it.

God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close.

If you need God to open some doors for you....send this to as many as
you love to be blessed.




 "with God anything is possible!





Accept God’s Grace...Take Authority over the Devil



Accept God's Grace

Ephesians 3:20 NIV

Life is hectic - and if you try to do everything, yourself you will stay exhausted. Rushing and struggling to keep up the pace wears you out physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But you can make some changes.

First, examine all your activities and allow the Holy Spirit to show you the things that drain your energy and do not produce worthwhile fruit. Then be willing to give them up. You may even have to choose between the good and the best.


Second, learn to receive more of God's grace. Grace is power. His power can help you accomplish more than you could imagine. So accept His help and start enjoying life.



Take Authority over the Devil

1 Peter 5:8

Satan's attacks are fierce in these last days but you do not need to run from his roar. As a child of God, you have the authority to defeat him in the name of Jesus. Satan can attack your mind, will, and emotions. He will attack your body with weariness and all manner of illness. His lies are endless and persistent and he delights in playing on your emotions. But you can learn to discern and aggressively confront every satanic assault, and be victorious over his evil plans.


Exercising authority over the enemy is more than verbal commands… your words and actions must go together. Speaking or praying the Word releases faith, but you must also walk in new levels of obedience. So follow God's plan and put the devil on the run.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Remain Steadfast

Remain Steadfast




Spending time with God keeps you stable, steadfast, and calm. God says He “will strengthen and harden you to difficulties” (Isaiah 41:10). When your faith is fed daily by God’s presence, the devil can’t control you, because you don’t get easily upset.


Being filled with God’s truth makes it easier to live the life God has for you. Let God be your anchor in the midst of the raging waves of circumstances. Remain steadfast in God.



Monday, January 9, 2012

Receive God’s Healing and Restoration

Receive God's Healing and Restoration

Isaiah 61:1

If you are struggling with emotional distress or a broken heart, God wants to renew your mind, restore your soul, and give you a fresh start. I don't know your circumstances, past or present, but you may have hurts that are holding you back and keeping you captive.


I know firsthand how that feels. But I also know what it's like to be healed and restored. As I received the truth of God's Word and began to understand that I did not have to stay trapped in my past, I experienced emotional healing and deliverance from bondage. God loves you unconditionally and He wants to do the same for you. So learn how to receive from God… and be made whole.


Friday, January 6, 2012

A note for you

Good  Morning and 

God Bless You

Richly J




I sent an angel to watch over you last night but it came back. I asked
"why?" The angel said "angels don't watch over angels. Twenty
angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing,
one is reading this message. Send this to ten friends including me. I
guess if I don't get it back I'm not one of them. A soon as you get
five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you. Please read,
not joking. God has seen you struggling with something. God says its
over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this
message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. God is
going to fix two things BIG tonight in your favor. DROP Everything and
pass it on. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life.






Praise Your Way to Victory...Choose Inner Purity...Choose God's Secret Place


Praise Your Way to Victory

2 Chronicles 20:15

If life sometimes seems to be a battle that causes you to feel upset and fearful, you will be glad to know, that you were not meant to fight the battle alone. The Bible says the Battle is God’s. God never loses a battle. And when you work with Him according to His plan, you won’t either.


During trying times, do you worry or worship? Praise and worship should not be limited to a few minutes in church. If you are not worshipping at home on a regular basis, you may feel like the victim instead of the victor.


But God’s Word clearly details the Holy Ghost-anointed battle plan to combat every challenge you face. When you begin to substitute praise for petition and worship for worry, God will move on your behalf.



Choose Inner Purity

1 Peter 3:4

In light of this Scripture, how would you classify your thoughts, attitudes, imaginations, opinions, and judgments? Are they clean or corrupt? Pure or carnal?


Inner purity is a challenge that requires you to watch over your inner life with determination and diligence. In the beginning, you may feel that most of your thoughts, imaginations, and attitudes are corrupt. But as you persist, new habits develop, and with regular maintenance, you can enjoy inner purity.


What you do outwardly – the things that people see- determines your reputation with man. But your inner life determines your reputation with God.

Choosing inner purity is something you do unto the Lord to honor Him. No wonder He says a pure heart is precious in His sight!



Choose God’s Secret Place

Psalm 91:1-2

This Scripture holds the key to overcoming worry, anxiety, discouragement, disappointment, depression, despair, and disease. It is simply trusting God. Perhaps you want to trust God, but it seems you just do not know how. Trusting God requires knowing Him, knowing His character and having experience with Him. Going through trials with God by your side builds your faith.


So when you face problems, you can choose trust or torment. Choose to trust God and dwell in the “secret place”, enjoying divine provision in the midst of attacks and walking through dark times in His presence.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Watch your words

Sent from my Windows® phon

From: Johnson, Robin <Robin_Johnson@rge.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 8:23 AM

Possess Your Soul

Possess Your Soul

Luke 21:19

You need to learn not to let your mind and emotions get the best of you, especially when it involves things over which you have no control. Suppose you are on your way to an important interview and get caught in a traffic jam. How do you react? Is it worth getting all upset and unleashing a wild spirit? Wouldn’t it be much better for you and everyone else if you just remained calm, even if you were late for the interview?


If you have done your best, God will do the rest. Refuse to get upset when things do not go as you planned. Refuse to allow your mind, will, and emotions to rule your spirit. In your patience, you will learn to possess your soul.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!




You Can Have a New Beginning

Isaiah 43:18-19

God created us to need new beginnings, places where we can release our Faith and say, “This is a place of new beginnings for me, a place to have a fresh start.” The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.

You can experience the abundant life Jesus says you can have, but it requires making a decision to let go of the past. Unless you refuse to go on the way you have been, no change will come. God wants to change things for you, but He is waiting for your total cooperation.


Seldom do your circumstances change without something first changing in you. So if you want to experience God’s “new thing” this year, release your faith right now and say, “This is a place of new beginnings for me.” Then watch for the results.



Seek to Know God Better

Philippians 3:10

This was the cry of the Apostle Paul’s heart as he sought to have such a deep relationship with Christ that the trials of life would barely be noticeable. At the beginning of this New Year, it is a wise thing for you to seek also. There are plenty of problems in life that can weigh you down and cause you to become discouraged, but God wants to provide the strength and power you need to be victorious in every battle of life.


Such a relationship requires that you seek God like never before. So start the year right by becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with the One who has all power in heaven and earth.



Trust in the Power of Hope

Proverbs 12:12

I define hope as “the happy anticipation of good things”. You can hope for something good to happen to you by learning how to celebrate and enjoy life.


Everything in life is a process in motion. Without movement and progression, there is no life. As long as you live you are always heading somewhere, and you should enjoy yourself on the way. God created you to be a goal-oriented visionary. Without a vision, you become bored and hopeless.


But there is something about hope that makes people lighthearted and happy. Hope is a powerful spiritual force that is activated through your positive attitude. God is positive and He wants positive things to happen to you, but that will not happen unless you have hope and faith. Expect God to bring good out of every circumstance in your life. Whatever happens, trust in the Lord…, and trust in the power of hope!