Monday, August 11, 2014

A Word of Prayer For The Day

Connecting But Not Communicating


Read:  Psalm 145:17-19

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.  - 1 Chronicles 16:11


Audio:  Psalm 145


Bible In One Year:  Psalms 37-39; Acts 26


"It's good to hear your voice, Kathleen," my friend said. "I'm so glad you took the time to call me." That simple statement made me realize that too often I use fingertip technology, and not meaningful conversation, to stay in touch with family and friends. Facebook, e-mails, and texting allow me to post photos or send short blasts of information to people I care about but don't see very often.


We may be staying connected, but I'm not sure we're really communicating. This experience made me wonder how well I'm staying in touch with God. Busy with chores and responsibilities, I try to remember to thank or praise God when particular blessings come during the day.


But often I feel that even though I'm connected to God I'm not really communicating because I'm not setting aside the quiet prayer time that keeps me mindful of God's word in my life. Prayer is our direct line to God who longs to hear our voices. Technology has its place in connecting us to others, but we need real conversation to strengthen and maintain any relationship - especially with God.



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