Thursday, June 12, 2014



                                                                                CELEBRATE YOUR SPECIAL DAY

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.                        PSALM 139:13, 14 NIV


Are you the kind of person who considers your birthday a special day and makes the most of it? Or did you stop really celebrating your birthday and now simply let it pass without much fanfare?


I used to allow my birthday to pass without acknowledging it in significant ways, but I've recently changed that.  I now celebrate not only the day of my birth, but sometimes the entire week of my birthday! 


If you could see yourself from God's perspective, you would know that you have a huge reason to celebrate the anniversary of your birth.  God made you for a special purpose, and without you the world would not be the same.  Something would be missing if you were not here at this time, so rejoice and use your birthday as an excuse to celebrate you.  God rejoices over us and enjoys us and wants us to do the same thing.


Celebrating another year of life is a way of honoring God and thanking Him for the gift of life.  Why not celebrate that God kept your heart beating 38 million beats during the year?  Why not celebrate that He protected you and provided for you and keeps loving you every minute you're alive?


Every day is worth celebrating, but especially the day of your birth.  Go for it and don't hold back.


LOVE YOURSELF TODAY: Make a note on your calendar to celebrate your next birthday in a big, wonderful way. And thank God for you - you are the work of His hand.


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