Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Calm Delight


Can you believe 2012 is coming to an end and 2013 is just around the corner. I pray that everything that seemed impossible in 2012 has or will manifest itself for the new yearJ



A Calm Delight

Psalm 16:11

When you consider joy, you may immediately think about one of those bubbly people you know who is “up” all of the time, and perhaps you are not like that. I am not like that either. However, for those of us who tend to be more serious, it is important that we also learn how to have fun, to cut loose, and lighten up a little.


What is joy and what is joy based on. Joy is defined as “a shout; a proclamation that can manifest in singing; a calm delight”. Happiness may be based on what is happening to you, but not joy. Joy – a fruit of the spirit – is like a deep well on the inside of you. It is not the fruit of your circumstance.

No matter what you are facing in life, you can have joy in the midst of it. Learn to abide in the midst of a calm delight.


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