Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Accept Responsibility...Start Something...Start Something Good

Accept Responsibility

2 Corinthians 13:11

Each one of us needs to accept our responsibility to do what is right in God’s eyes, whether others do the right thing or not. Otherwise we will have a standoff:

“Well, if you won’t say you’re sorry, then I won’t say I’m sorry.”

“You’re not nice, so I’m not going to be nice.”

“You haven’t given me a compliment in a year, so I’m not giving you one either.”

That attitude gets relationships in trouble. God wants us to live above the pettiness of selfish arguments by loving on another.


Start Something

Romans 12:9-11

If all of us started having a Godly attitude, it would catch hold and spread like a virus. Wouldn’t it be great if we could spread a good virus?


Imagine the whispers: “Have you heard? There’s something wonderful going around. Have you caught it? It is running rampant all over the place. Everywhere you look, people have a new attitude!”


Let’s start something today! Let’s decide to think like Christ. Let’s decide to love everyone we meet today. And pass the word so that everybody catches on to it.


Start Something Good

Zechariah 8:12

Start something good in someone’s life today.  Sow faith for a healing. Sow hope for a restoration. A sincere compliment can sow confidence in someone who is starving for encouragement. Your forgiveness of an ongoing offense can sow a seed for a miracle breakthrough in that situation.


Pray for someone else’s need, or make a special offering to start something positive in the name of the Lord. Remember, God won’t ask you to sow anything that He doesn’t give you the grace to give. Enjoy the abundant harvest that is returned to your own life when you sow into someone else’s life.


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