Monday, May 9, 2011

Decide to Be Positive

 Decide to Be Positive


Philippians 4:8

Negative people don’t enjoy life. Viewing each day with positive expectations is one of the key principles to Godly happiness.


We act on what we believe, so positive thoughts cause positive actions. If you want a positive life, begin thinking positive thoughts. It is easy to do so if you read the Word and meditate on all that God wants to do for you and through you. Get alone to day, and think about all the good, positive things God has done for you in the past, and all He has planned for you in the future.


Bless Someone Today


To have a healthy love walk today, spend time this morning thinking about what you can do for somebody else. Don’t wait for God to ask you to do something; take the initiative and say, “Okay God, what can I do to be a blessing on Your behalf today?”


The best days you live are the ones you spend loving other people. Choose a particular person, and think about ways to bless him or her. If you don’t know what to do, just listen to what he or she says, and before long you will hear of that individual’s needs.


God Know and Sees


Psalm 25:14

Nobody else may see the things you do, but God sees them all. Every time you pray, God sees it and plans a reward to give you openly (see Matthew 6:1-6).


Serve the Lord in all that you do today. The Word says, “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening withhold not your hands, for you know not which shall prosper, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good” (Ecclesiastes 11:6). God will prosper what you do for Him.


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