Monday, May 13, 2013

God is never too busy for us

Read: Matthew 10:29-31 <;version=NIV>

Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right."  - Acts 10:34-35

Audio:  Matthew 10 <>

Bible In One Year:  1 Kings 12-13; Luke
22:1-20 <;search=1+Kings+12-13%3b+Luke+22%3a1-20>

My brother-in-law had quit a job he had held for more than 20 years and was looking for another one. I told him I would pray for him, but he told me not to "bother" God, who had bigger problems to take care of. I told him that God yearns to be "bothered." God wants us pray about anything - not just the big stuff, but all the stuff. I'm thankful that "too busy" or "that's not important enough for me to deal with" aren't among God's responses. 

Imagine God saying, "Can we reschedule that for next week? And instead of an hour, I can give you only 30 minutes - things are a bit hectic, what with the wars and the economic crises." Do you think God is more apt to listen to the prayers of church leaders, the president, or world dignitaries because of who they are or the magnitude of their problems or responsibilities? Acts 10: 34 says God "does not show favoritism." 

No matter where we stand on the metaphorical ladder of importance, God listens to all of us with the same passion and concern and love. You and I always have a standing appointment with God. So we can go ahead and tell God what's on our mind. We can "bother" God, who's always waiting to hear from us.  God is never too busy for us; are we too busy for God?



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