Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pursue Your Purpose...Let your Light Shine...Pursue a Life of Excellence


Pursue Your Purpose

Matthew 6:33…..but seek first of all His kingdom and His righteousness

Have you ever thought, “What is my purpose in Life?” Each of us wants to feel we have a purpose….that we are making a meaningful difference in the world.


God has a purpose for each of us, and that is to do right and glorify God.

How do you pursue your purpose? By getting up each day and putting God first. There are many other things we may be tempted to chase after – job position, education, relationships, money, material possessions, and so on. But too often when you attain these things your life is just as empty and unfulfilled as when you started.


God knows what you need and is well aware of your heart’s desires, and He will grant them if you will just pursue your purpose by seeking Him first.



Enjoy Your Life Now

John 10:10….I came that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance

Life is a journey – a process of advancement and progression. And as you move toward the future, you must be careful not to lose sight of the now and the enjoyment it can bring you.


For many years I was a Christian but not enjoying life. Then God taught me that enjoying life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of the heart. When I decided to change my approach to some of the circumstances I faced in life, it made a remarkable difference!


As a believer you have available to you the abundant quality of life that comes from God. Do not get so caught up in your busyness that you fail to enjoy the pleasures God provides every day. He has given you abundant life and your goal should be to enjoy it to the fullest.



Let your Light Shine

Titus 2:11-12

Although you live in the world, you are not to be of the world….worldly in your ways. Because it is easy to become worldly without realizing it, you need the Godly influence of spiritually mature people in your life. You also need to be a student of God’s Word, which can change your ungodly desires and train and establish a Godly character in you.


As a child of God you are to be a light to others who dwell in darkness. People should be able to tell by your joy, the light in your eyes, the way you treat people, the way you talk about people – or do not talk about them – that you are a Christian.


Determine now that you will be a light in this present world. Ask God to help you glorify Him through your choices and actions.



Pursue a Life of Excellence

Matthew 7:13-14…don’t look for shortcuts to God

Many people are trapped in a mediocre lifestyle. They seem to lack personal motivation, so they are easy targets for those who promise an easy way to success that requires little effort on their part. They do just enough to get by, but they never go the extra mile.


Living that kind of life is a poor substitute for the real rewards in life that can only be found in being a person of excellence, which was God’s plan for you from the beginning.


Learn the truth about God’s good plan for your life and vigorously pursue it. You will sense a wonderful fulfillment and the fruit of your life will be abundant and bring glory to God.








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